Once you have been registered on LCFHC (if you have not been registered by a leader or anyone, learn more on how to) and you have got your $1380 in your account and you want to earn more by registering people under you and to get more bonus for that. Here are some simple guidelines on how to register people by yourself easily.
There are some things you need to be aware of when doing registration on LCFHC which will be explained in details.

First thing to do is to get the details of the individual you want to register in this format:
* Name ( always the first name and the last name );
* Phone number;
* Identification number ( National ID, Driver's licence, Int'l passport, e.t.c );
* Sex.
* Country code (234 for Nigeria)
If you have collected the details and you want to proceed to the registration. Then,
Log in to your LCFHC account then on the dashboard you are going to see a list:
* Dashboard;
* Change of account information;
* Registered member;
* Direct members;
* Generate coupons;
* List of coupons e.t,c.
Click on registered member, on that page 'The registry', you are going to see contents like:
* Account name;
* Name;
* Sex;
* ID card;
* Phone number;
* Direct push account ( up-liner/ leader or anyone that is doing the registration );
* Secondary password (which would be the registered individual's password);
* registered.

Now this is it, you need to generate an account name for the individual you are registering, and there is a general code for West African countries which is 'A12', that would be the first thing you would type in the account name box, secondly you need to think of any 3 alphabets e.g ABC or DEF or GHI any three alphabets that hasn't been used, that would be the second thing to type in the account name box, and lastly think of any 7 numbers e.g 1234567 or 8901234 or 5678901 ( don't mind the way I put that you can actually put yours in a different way ), that is the last thing you are going to put in the account name box, everything should be 13 when you count it so with that you have generated an account name for the individual.
"Let me make things easier for you, this is what I always do anytime I am doing registration, after I type in my 'A12', and for any 3 alphabets, since I am gonna have to use the first name and the last name I would pick the first alphabet of the first name and pick the first two alphabets of the last name and i would merge them together to get the 3 alphabets e.g lets say your first name is Sly and your last name is Frenzy, I would pick the 'S' and 'FR' and that gives SFR simple right?, and for any 7 numbers, lets say you are a Nigerian with the phone number '+2348105255724', i would pick the last 7 digits of your phone number which is '5255724' after that I would merge everything together which gives 'A12SFR5255724' count that total is 13,so with this I have generated a new account name."
I hope that was easy and stress-free?, every word should always be in 'caps'
After you have generated the account name, type in the individual's name, sex, ID card ( everything in CAPITAL LETTER )

Another thing you need to know is the way you type in the individual's number, there is this code '002' you have to type first before you type in the number. "Now, lets say the individual's number is '+2348105255724',all you need to do is change the '+2' to '002' so the phone number would be '002348105255724' that's easy?"
I guess you know about the 'direct push account' and 'the secondary password' already. It should always be '123456' for now and it is advisable not to change the password yet. So all you need to do now is to click on registered and it would bring you to a page where your registration is successful. So after you have registered successfully and generated the new account name, you need to tell the individual to log in with his/her new account name and password to complete the verification on his/her dashboard.

I hope this was helpful and you understand every step? if yes share this with your friends as they might find it useful too.


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